Infomail statistics

With Infomail, you can access both aggregate and detailed statistics.

Immediately you will see the statistics of the emails.

all the emails that have been sent. The number may differ from the total number of subscribers on your list.
If you have had bounce-backs in the past, those subscribers will still be counted on your list, but we won’t send the newsletter to them.

Trovi qui le email che sono state aperte.

Here you can find the number of clicks.

These are delivery errors. It means that Infomail sent the newsletter correctly, but the server of the receiving mailbox refused the communication for some reason.
The main reasons are: the mailbox does not exist, the mailbox is full, the communication was flagged as spam, and other causes.

The number of subscribers who have unsubscribed from your list.




By clicking on “Open report”, you can access more data, including total and unique opens, total and unique clicks.
Delivered emails are calculated as the difference between “Sent” and “Bounce”.


By clicking on the “Download detailed statistics” button in the upper right corner, you can receive an Excel file via email with details for each individual email, including opens, clicks, and error messages.


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