Our templates for your newsletters. Choose the most effective creativity from our proposals.

You can choose from dozens of templates, categorized to help you create the ideal message or campaign for your needs.
All templates are responsive and tested on different browsers and operating systems.

By registering with Infomail, you immediately access an extensive library of templates to send the most suitable newsletter for your needs: a few clicks and you can quickly and effectively customize your communication.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know a line of HTML or if, on the contrary, you are an experienced designer: thanks to Infomail’s drag&drop editor, it’s very easy to customize the available templates.


Discover our Smart AI Editor.

Create content for your newsletters in seconds!

Generate original content with just a few clicks thanks to artificial intelligence.
Choose from over 50 languages for your content and translations.
Generate content for your newsletters, blogs, and social media with ease.

No credit card required

1,000 free sends

5,000 AI-generated words

No credit card required

1,000 free sends

5,000 AI-generated words